Most people have heard of acupuncture, but do not understand what the practice is and what it entails. This ancient practice can be a great
Most people have heard of acupuncture, but do not understand what the practice is and what it entails. This ancient practice can be a great
Superfoods are foods and herbs that have a unique concentration of nutrients that synergize together to boost potential. These foods are typically loaded with a
In our busy lives of activity, stimulation and stress, it is no wonder we are often plagued by physical pain and discomfort. Subluxations are often
Dr. Mark McCullough has recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading fitness and health book publishing company, along with several leading health and
By Dr. Mark McCullough Who am I? I am a husband, dad, advocate, pupil, doctor, teacher, consultant, coach; most importantly, I am a real person
As people gathered around the five round tables for dinner, they stood solemnly in complete silence. Many either bowing their heads or gazing out into
British and French researchers that published in the November, 2009 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry compared depression rates among people that consumed fish,
By Dr. Mark McCullough Going into the last quarter of yet another year brings back a whole set of emotions in many of our lives;
Growing up in a time when there were no cell phones, computers, or any technology for that matter, it seemed like the only thing that
A fast and easy snack with the look of CHOCOLATE… but contains 3x as much calcium! If you love the taste of chocolate, but are